Written on the 14/11/2010
The journey to Antarctica begins. Leaving my wife Sharon and our two kids, Alec and Katie, is the hardest, most difficult thing I've ever had to do in my life so far. But Sharon and I have a plan and part of that plan consists of me working in Antarctica as an Electronic Technician / Meteorologist (Met Tech) for maybe two years. The other part….well….one step at a time.
My big concern is how this will affect the kids. Alec is 6 and Katie is 8 and will be the big 9 tomorrow (15/11/2010). To be fair Alec can't really comprehend the time I will be away. But Katie realises it will be for a very long time. My wonderful wife is the bravest person. Whilst i'm swanning about in Antarctica doing what has to be done she will be bearing the full responsibility of bringing the wee ones up all on her own. I have to admit that this imbues a feeling of guilt but an absent father is something I refuse to be. I would never have taken this job if daily communication with my family, whether by email or phone, was not possible.
Waving goodbye to my family on platform 10 of Glasgow Central as the train pulled away was one of the worst experiences I have ever had. I can only hope that our investment in this endeavour will be more than worth it and will help to realise our future plans.
The first leg of this journey takes me to Cambridge from where I'll travel to Heathrow to catch a plane flying to Cape Town, SA.
Our Goodbye's at Glasgow Central (14/11/2010) |
Well done chaps...wishing you ALL a big adventure!